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Immerse yourself in Leoš Janáček’s oeuvre. We are proud to share it with you.

Discover Janáček
Immerse yourself in Leoš Janáček’s oeuvre. We are proud to share it with you.

Janáček’s music came from life and remains alive

The tones, the tonal cadences of human speech, and of every living being, have always held the deepest truth for me.

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Emotions. Cries. Words spoken by real people. All of these were sources for Janáček’s music. Perhaps it’s because his inspiration was real life that the music is still so alive today. It speaks to us, listeners in his country, and to people around the world. Immerse yourself in Janáček’s music with us. 

Experience Janáček
Janáček’s music came from life and remains alive

Our mission is to pass on Janáček’s music for everyone to enjoy

What is the power of art? […] It is a string that resonates everywhere and which binds us all together. […] I wanted to bring together a quarrelsome nation, and I can say that I have not lived in vain here.

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Preserving Janáček’s legacy and making it available to people in his homeland and abroad – performing that task is an honour for our foundation; you are also involved, perceptive listener, musician or researcher. Together we will spread Janáček’s works to all who are interested in listening – and hearing.

Discover our work
Our mission is to pass on Janáček’s music for everyone to enjoy

Immerse yourself

Hear Janáček with your own ears. Immerse yourself in his music. Find insights in his work.
These recordings, commentaries and background materials are here for you.

Listen to excerpts from Janáček’s works

Kde začít?

Pokud vás Janáčkova hudba oslovila, ale nevíte, jak se do ní ponořit, projděte si našeho průvodce. Pomůže vám.
Poznejte Janáčka

Poznejte Janáčka

Cestujte s námi časem a setkejte se s Janáčkem napříč jeho životní dráhou. Nechte si vyprávět jeho příběh nebo si projděte interaktivní časovou osu.
Prožijte Janáčka

Prožijte Janáčka

Zavřete oči a poslouchejte. Online i na nejbližších událostech.


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